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Patent specifications

BARATTI Engineering GmbH > Company > Patent specifications

Patented know how

Baratti blowers are working according the „gamma twin lobe system“ based on the roots system. This system is patented.

Comparing this system with the three lobe system, the losses of the new gamma profile with only one sealgap is reduced and due to the two lobe system we achieve a higher efficiency than a three lobe system. At the same time the pulsation was also reduced by approx. 85 % due to the built in discharge system with decreased discharge orifice. Backflow of already discharged gas is minimized significant!


Outstanding features

  • turndown range: 20 – 100 % of capacity
  • constant efficiency and constant discharge temperature in the entire capacity range
  • higher compression ratio ( single stage up to 1.6 barg)
  • reduced energy consumption by appr. 10 %


A further innovation of baratti engineering gmbh is the patented „drycon“-process. In this process the materials being conveyed by the vacuum of the blower is simultaneausly dried by means of the hot air of the exhaust of the blower without aditional energy!


Typical applications

In a lot industrial applications baratti blowers and screws are working reliable for the benefit of our customer as follows:

  • beverage industrie
  • medical
  • plastic conveying, drying
  • degassing of extruder
  • vacuum drying
  • vacuum packaging
  • aeration of sewage treatments
  • sludge injection
  • biogas transfer/compression
  • water treatment
  • pressure vacuum conveying
  • printing and envelope manufacturing

and also in a lot of other industrial applications.

Developement gamma-twinlobe system Baratti Engineering GmbH

Further patent specifications