Gewerbestr. 31 • Rheinfelden 79618 • Germany
Monday - Friday 08:00-16:00
+49 7623 71769-0

Contact Persons

BARATTI Engineering GmbH > Company > Contact Persons

„Customers, contacting us by means of telefon call, a letter or even personally are the most important people in our team.”


Our main company goal of »Signed Quality« means: quality of product, quality of delivery time, quality of aftersales service.

Contact Persons

Gerhard Baratti

Managing Director T 0049 (0) 7623 / 71769 – 40
F 0049 (0) 7623 / 71769 – 58

Manuel Huber

Construction & Projects T 0049 (0) 7623 / 71769 – 63
F 0049 (0) 7623 / 71769 – 58

Central Phone Number

T 0049 (0) 7623 / 71769 – 0
F 0049 (0) 7623 / 71769 – 28